*Pershkrimi: Keto addonsa jon Furien v3.0 Kto Addonsa jon si do servera trumunve e do tjera me captain amerika e ksi modelsa me shop kejt origjinal 3.0 .Addonsat jon version i vjeter qe permbajn powers , ultimates , shop , furien , antifurienweapons, furienknifes, kejt seneet qa jon per furien vip menu kejt gjithashtu addonsat jonshum tkerkume po i paraqes nesk Gjithashtu permban edhe kage - antifurien i fundit merr 500 hp Armor dhe spped gjithashtu edhe psycho furien merr 500hp armor edhe gravity *************************************************************************************** *Modat Aktive: *Moda e I: [AmxModX] *Moda e II: [Metamod] *Moda e III: [Dproto]
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